Heater Woes......
I have had an annoying problem occur on my track beastie. Intermittently the
fan stopped working in the heating system. It would work firstly when driving
the car - but would give up after a while and would not come back on. Not
good at this time of year!!!
Initially I thought it was to do with me having Yozzasport to remove the
aircon to save weight and power off the belts - but it has worked
faultlessly since the project was completed, so nothing to do with that.
I thought this would a good excuse to get a heated racing windscreen, shame
its just after Xmas!
After researching the Cliosport website, and chatting to a couple of guys on
there I decided that either the resistor pack had gone [£85+] or the
motor/fan had blown [£120+]. Not cheap.
The fix cost me £0 as it was a connection/sticking motor issue.
What I did:-
1] Lift up bonnet
2] Remove scuttle panel - drivers side [remove the plastic lugs]
3] Remove and clean out all connections
4] Undo hex screws so that you can pull the motor out a bit
5] Clean and reconnect the connection under the motor
6] Give the motor a few taps with a light hammer incase it is sticking
7] Reconnect all connections
8] Use Vaseline around all connection, together with a spray of WD40 to
eliminate moisture.
9] Replace scuttle panel, and replace lugs. Make sure the scuttle panels lip
is flush with the windscreen. I used Vaseline under the lip to aid
protection from water.
Some pics of the scuttle panel area:-
Resistor Pack

Motor Fan [underneath wiring]

Heating System

The weather is horrendous at the moment so I have hardly used the 172... I
am waiting for things to get better before booking any more track days.
fan stopped working in the heating system. It would work firstly when driving
the car - but would give up after a while and would not come back on. Not
good at this time of year!!!
Initially I thought it was to do with me having Yozzasport to remove the
aircon to save weight and power off the belts - but it has worked
faultlessly since the project was completed, so nothing to do with that.
I thought this would a good excuse to get a heated racing windscreen, shame
its just after Xmas!
After researching the Cliosport website, and chatting to a couple of guys on
there I decided that either the resistor pack had gone [£85+] or the
motor/fan had blown [£120+]. Not cheap.
The fix cost me £0 as it was a connection/sticking motor issue.
What I did:-
1] Lift up bonnet
2] Remove scuttle panel - drivers side [remove the plastic lugs]
3] Remove and clean out all connections
4] Undo hex screws so that you can pull the motor out a bit
5] Clean and reconnect the connection under the motor
6] Give the motor a few taps with a light hammer incase it is sticking
7] Reconnect all connections
8] Use Vaseline around all connection, together with a spray of WD40 to
eliminate moisture.
9] Replace scuttle panel, and replace lugs. Make sure the scuttle panels lip
is flush with the windscreen. I used Vaseline under the lip to aid
protection from water.
Some pics of the scuttle panel area:-
Resistor Pack

Motor Fan [underneath wiring]

Heating System

The weather is horrendous at the moment so I have hardly used the 172... I
am waiting for things to get better before booking any more track days.